Documents & Publications
Over the years, NICOLE has issued many reports, papers, and thematic documents. These publications originate from network meetings, discussions, dedicated projects, and thematic Working Groups. The topics vary from technical issues to policy matters, such as position papers regarding upcoming policy documents.
NICOLE Discussion Paper PFAS (2024)
Pilot Studies on Heavy Metals in Agriculture (2023)
NICOLE Feedback on proposed EU Soil Monitoring Directive (2023)
Athens statement (2022)
Environmental liability transfer in Europe report (2021/2022)
Asbestos in soil (2021)
EU Soil Strategy (2021)
Land stewardship (2018)
Environmental fate and effects of PFAS (2016)
PFAS summary (2016)
Soil as a resource (2016)
The international year of soils and NICOLE (2015)
Joint position statement by NICOLE and COMMON FORUM (2013)
Roadmap for sustainable remediation (2012)
NICOLE Communication on Contaminated Land (2003–2004)