About Nicole Organization


Joint Memorandum of Understanding on Global Association Collaboration

NICOLE has signed a Joint Association Memorandum with several of its sister organizations in the world: the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) in the US, NICOLE Latin America, the Australasian Land and Groundwater Association (ALGA), and NICOLA(frica). This memorandum aims to set the principles for collaboration, sharing technical information, and jointly promoting the management of contaminated land and groundwater on a global scale. More information about the organizations can be found below.

Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council

The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) is a state-led environmental coalition working to create innovative solutions and best management practices. ITRC produces documents and training that broaden and deepen technical knowledge and expedite quality regulatory decision making while protecting human health and the environment. 

The ITRC organizes online trainings abd events. View the upcoming events here:


With the opening event at the end of October 2014 in Johannesburg, South Africa, the new NICOLA network celebrated its establishment. Over 45 attendees from both industry and service providers shared knowledge and discussed issues on contaminated land management. Members of the European network NICOLE congratulate NICOLA on its establishment.

NICOLA regularly organizes conferences, trainings, and webinars. Find information about NICOLA's latest activities on the website linked below.

Nicole Organization About Us Map

NICOLE Latin America

NICOLE Latin America, formerly known as NICOLE Brazil, was founded in 2013 by James Henderson, Olivier Maurer, Suzana Kraus and Sander Eskes, as a response to local remediation challenges. The network is managed by Instituto Ekos Brasil, a non-profit organization that provides the necessary structure and administrative support to the network. 

For more information about the network and upcoming events please visit the NICOLE Latin America website. 

NICOLE Latin America       Presentation        
ALGA Australasian Land & Groundwater Association
ALGA provides a forum and identity for the Australasian contaminated land and groundwater industry and supports the many professionals working in the field. The core focus of this association is to support advances in the prevention, assessment and remediation of contaminated land and groundwater.

The Australasian Land & Groundwater Association (ALGA) Ltd has a broad base of members, including land owners, property developers, industry, consultants, scientists, contractors, regulatory agency staff, government, the legal profession, laboratory staff, researchers and academics.

ALGA coordinates a series of webinars and branch events throughout the year. Click on the link below to access the event page. 

ALGA Events

Other partner organizations

The Common Forum on Contaminated Land, initiated in 1994, is a network of contaminated land policymakers, regulators, and technical advisors from Environment Authorities in European Union member states and European Free Trade Association countries.

For more information about the Common Forum's missions and activities, please visit the website linked below.

Common Forum
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Global Soil Partnership

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is a globally recognized mechanism established in 2012 with the mission to position soils in the Global Agenda and to promote sustainable soil management. 

The Partnership, hosted by FAO, works hard to improve soil governance to guarantee productive soils towards food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and sustainable development for all.

Global Soil Partnership

International Sustainable Remediation Alliance (ISRA)

International Sustainable Remediation Alliance (ISRA) is a global alliance of organisations whose goals are to work together cooperatively on joint initiatives relating to sustainable land management. ISRA was launched at SustRem 2016.

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