NICOLE Structure
Welcome to NICOLE
NICOLE is a European leading network on sustainable land management of industrial sites. NICOLE brings together industrial, academic, and service providers members to enable the European contaminated land sector to identify, assess and manage industrially contaminated land efficiently, cost-effectively, and within a framework of sustainability.
• Raising and stimulating dissemination and exchange of good practice of sustainable remediation through dedicated workshops and conferences.
• Facilitating applied research and knowledge transfer between members.
• Track and actively support regulatory developments on EU and member state level; and
build relationships with other national and international stakeholders.
The network began in February 1996 as a concerted action under the 4th Framework Programme of the European Community. With strong support of its members, the network quickly became self-supporting in 1999 and is fully financed by the fees of its members ever since. Since December 2010 the network is organised as an association under Dutch law.
NICOLE is run and represented by its members and companies, member groups, a board and thematic Working Groups.

All the sub-groups are represented in the NICOLE Board; the chairman of the board is always a member of the Industrial Group to ensure that the network remains orientated towards industrial problem holder's needs.
NICOLE is currently chaired by Johan de Fraye (Signify). The NICOLE Board members include:

Chairman - Johan de Fraye

Horst Herzog

Claudio Albano

Hans-Peter Koschitzky

Thomas Hayes

Chantal Broeken

Frederic Coulon

Gerlinde De Moor

Anneli Liljemark

Cécile Nouet
Industry Group
The IG's key aim is to develop and promote management of industrially contaminated land based on risk and sustainability and on a commonly accepted cost-effective approach. To achieve this, the IG uses several ways of expertise sharing to give direction to policy and technology development in Europe and the Member States. A main emphasis lies on the development of practical methods and tools.
Service Provider Group
Academic Group
All academic members together form a large 'body of scientific and technical knowledge', which provide new opportunities for R&D and collaborations with NICOLE members. The AG further provides opportunities for project teams to lever European investments for challenge-focused multidisciplinary members to work together or facilitating R&D and demonstration projects.