
Site Characterization Technologies and Approaches

Problem statement

Site characterisation is costly and time-consuming, which provides an opportunity to innovate and experiment with new and emerging techniques through collaboration and buy-in with the whole of the project team and throughout the project lifecycle.


Key stakeholders

  • Technology suppliers
  • Site investigation companies
  • Consultants
  • Contractors
  • Regulators


Knowledge base

  • Digital workflows and programming aids data processing and interpretation
  • Earth observation methods can be used to monitor macro to micro-scale ground motion, ground gas, topography and geochemistry
  • Digital spatial decision support tools provide a useful early stage understanding of site constraints/ opportunities



  • Technical skills required
  • Investment in technology
  • Client buy-in to risk
  • Regulator buy-in to new lines of evidence
  • Costed case studies


Member priorities

  • New analytical methods
  • Rapid evaluation tools
  • Continuous borehole monitoring
  • Aerial surveys


Working Partnerships

  • Linking up with tech suppliers to demonstrate value for money and pay back
  • Promote partnerships between NICOLE members and innovators to demonstrate in the field

Research and innovation stage