Common Forum
The COMMON FORUM on Contaminated Land was initiated in Bonn 1994, as an informal group of those from national government and agencies in EU Member States who are involved with contaminated land and groundwater issues.
In 1996 COMMON FORUM gained a more formal status as initiators of the EU funded CARACAS and CLARINET concerted action on risk assessment and management of contaminated land. COMMON FORUM was the core group of formal country representatives in these concerted actions, which introduced “Risk based land management” as a central concept in European contaminated land approaches. NICOLE works closely with the Common Forum, and together they represent a wide cross-section of stakeholder interests in contaminated land management across the EU.
Contact: Lucia Buvé - UMICORE
Email: lucia.buve@umicore.com
Contact: Lucia Buvé - UMICORE
Email: lucia.buve@umicore.com
CONCAWE is the oil companies' European organisation for environment, health and safety. The emphasis of its work lies in technical and economic studies.
EUGRIS is a web portal offering information and services on topics related to soil and water, initially focusing on the problems contaminated land and water. EUGRIS is not formally interfaced with NICOLE but provides a wide range of information and resources of possible use to members
European Association of Metals
Eurometaux constitutes the interface between the European non-ferrous metals industry and the European authorities and international or intergovernmental bodies.
It is committed to establishing dialogue with the latter in order to ensure early consultation in all fields of policy and legislation that may affect industry and to asserting the sector's views and positions in this respect. It asserts the contribution of the European industry and its products to sustainable development, as well as this industry's views and positions, whenever the opportunity to do so arises across all sectors of society.
Contact: Lucia Buvé - UMICORE
Email: lucia.buve@umicore.com
Contact: Lucia Buvé - UMICORE
Email: lucia.buve@umicore.com
European Co-ordination Action for Demonstration of Efficent Soil and Groundwater Remediation
With the beginning of the year 2005 a new platform was established with the ambition to boost technology demonstration in the field of soil and groundwater management. EURODEMO is an initiative funded by the European Union’s Research Directorate, including a large European consortium which covers the whole spectrum of relevant stakeholders.
Top priorities of the project are to make demonstration of promising soil and groundwater technologies easier, to harmonise performance evaluation of demonstrated technologies and to generate an overview of existing funding opportunities and already demonstrated technologies. Furthermore, EURODEMO shall make sure that investors obtain a better overview of the innovation potential in Europe and shall pave the way for trans-national co-operation and joint funding of technology demonstration.
Contact: Hans-Peter Koschitzky – University of Stuttgart
Email: koschi@IWS.Uni-Stuttgart.de
Contact: Hans-Peter Koschitzky – University of Stuttgart
Email: koschi@IWS.Uni-Stuttgart.de
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards.
International Standards give state of the art specifications for products, services and good practice, helping to make industry more efficient and effective. Developed through global consensus, they help to break down barriers to international trade. An ISO standard is developed by a panel of experts, within a technical committee.
Contact: Laurent Bakker, Tauw
E-mail: laurent.bakker@tauw.nl
Contact: Laurent Bakker, Tauw
E-mail: laurent.bakker@tauw.nl
Sediment Network
The goal of SedNet is to bring together stake-holders, competent authorities, researchers, consultants and dredgers, who are interested in issues related to the management of sediments and dredged material. Information on meetings, a billboard, and interaction with European groups and networks are available on this site.
The SNOWMAN Network is a transnational group of research funding organizations and administrations in the field of Soil and Groundwater in Europe.
SNOWMAN network wants to develop and share relevant knowledge for the sustainable use of soil and groundwater. For the development of relevant knowledge we have a research programme that we execute by organizing calls for projects. We share the knowledge developed in these projects and we share the knowledge that is available among the members of the network.
Contact: Wouter Gevaerts, Arcadis
E-mail: w.gevaerts@arcadisbelgium.be
Contact: Wouter Gevaerts, Arcadis
E-mail: w.gevaerts@arcadisbelgium.be
The European Chemical Industry Council
CEFIC is both the forum and the voice of the European chemical industry. It represents, directly or indirectly, about 40,000 large, medium and small chemical companies in Europe, which employ about two million people and account for more than 30% of world chemicals production. Position papers, statistics, extensive links. Includes Long Range Inititative (LRI) information.