Workshop & Events
Innovation Award 2019: Innovative remediation, monitoring and control technologies to deal with challenging contaminants, leading to time-and/or cost-efficient sustainable remediation solutions
During the NICOLE Workshop November 2019 in Lyon, France, the 3 nominees for the NICOLE Innovation Award 2019 were announced.
The winner of 2019 NICOLE Innovation Award is Andy Goddard, Ramboll, with 'Walthamstow Wetland - Europe's largest urban wetlands'.
The 2nd price winners of the NICOLE Innovation Award 2019 are Jeroen Vandenbruwane, Jens Vandergeynst, Alexandre Engels and Hans Baillieul, INJECTIS, with 'SPIN® INJECTION TECHNOLOGY - Innovative methodology for accurate and precise direct injection of reagents into the subsurface'.
The 3rd price winners are Ian Ross Ph.D. (Arcadis UK), Jason Lagowski (Arcadis Australia), Michael Dickson (EVOCRA), Peter Storch, (Arcadis Australia), Jake Hurst (Arcadis UK), with 'Full-Scale Treatment of PFAS-impacted Wastewater Using Ozofractionation'.
The presentations are available to NICOLE members on the NICOLE Community Portal.